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School Safety

At PVSchools, we are fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of every student and staff member. Our team diligently trains for various emergencies because the well-being of students and staff is our top priority.

In ​accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), 15-341 (A​​) (31), PVSchools' emergency response plans have been developed by school and district teams to ensure that all schools meet emergency response preparedness guidelines established by the Arizona Department of Education, and the Arizona Division of Emergency Management.

Make an Anonymous Tip Online

PVSchools works with law enforcement to have all crimes investigated thoroughly. The community should never hesitate to call or email the school or law enforcement if they hear information that might pose a threat to our students or staff safety. Tips can also be submitted online through a portal that allows the tipster to remain anonymous. 

Submit a Tip

PVSchools Emergency Preparedness

Parents are encouraged to review the resources provided on this page.

Emergency Planning Info for Parents(English and Spanish)   Emergency Preparedness Summary(English and Spanish)

PVSchools uses mass messaging to contact families with information about school related items as well as emergency situations. This messaging includes email, phone calls, and SMS text messaging. If you are a parent or guardian, you will receive high-priority and emergency messages.

Make sure your mobile number is on file with your school via your student's emergency card. Student emergency cards are typically filled out online; however, upon request, the cards can be sent home at the beginning of each school year. If you have phone numbers (either home or mobile) that change during the year, reach out to your school and provide updated phone number information.

An SMS text message is sent as a notification to parents and guardians. To receive these notifications for important announcements, save (855) 221-8673 in your phone’s contacts. 

Please note: The district’s mass messaging system, does not charge any text message fees; however, wireless carriers typically do. Please contact your wireless carrier for more information about text messaging fees.

Positive Behavior Intervention Support

Safety means more than physical safety – we also care about the emotional and behavioral well being of our students. 

Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organizational systems for establishing the social culture, learning and teaching environment, and individual behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students.

PBIS focuses on:

  • Prevention
  • Instruction
  • Uses data to make decisions regarding behavior intervention
  • Collaborative process between staff, parents and students

At Greenway Middle School we strive to acknowledge positive students behavior frequently through a reward system that we have developed, R.O.A.R (Respect-Organization-Attitude-Responsibility). 

Students earn R.O.A.R. POINTS by meeting set expectations. Students can use the R.O.A.R. POINTS to purchase items at our R.O.A.R. Store during lunch.